All Episodes

Displaying 61 - 67 of 67 in total

Our culture is what wins games for us - Vulnerability, Trust, Patience and Confidence

We cover some notes I have from a Ben Newman podcast where he discusses four keys to building a team - vulnerability, trust, patience and confidence. By developing you...

Being Comfortable with an Uncomfortable Conversation

Are you comfortable with having uncomfortable conversations. We cover five items you need to consider in order to become comfortable with confrontation and difficult c...

Productive Struggle to a Productive Result. Changing a Limit

How we can work with our teams and individuals to change a limit (Limiting Beliefs). Creating an environment where it is safe to fail through trust, connection, feedba...

If You Leave Who is Going with You & Your Next Level of Greatness

Who is going with you when you leave and who is happy you are leaving? Every person you lead or mentor has a next level of greatness. What are you doing, how are you l...

I forgot the jerseys in the hotel (Ownership). This would be a great shot for him (Ego).

We circle back to discussing what you sign up for as a leader of an organization or program. We talk about the extreme ownership displayed by the head coach at Texas A...

Acknowledgement of Mentors and thinking BIGGER in 2023

Episode 2 of the DeadThree podcast we discuss the need an value in finding mentors and tapping into those resources to help continue to inspire and motivate yourself a...

Create your values and standards. Work, Energy, Service and Toughness

The Power of Core Values in Shaping Organizational CultureIntroduction:Welcome to an eye-opening episode that delves into the immense power of core values in shaping t...

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